Monday, October 28, 2019

21 Essential Tips For Supporting Artists

1. Get Familiar with Local Geography.
geography-1As a supporting artist you can be called upon to work almost anywhere in the area that your agent covers and therefore having good general knowledge of the local area is essential.

It’s worthwhile getting to know the bus and train routes from where you are
and if you’re London based, the tube of course.

Ok, so you have what you think are the latest updates to Google Maps on your shiny new smartphone together with some other questionable map apps, but can you be guaranteed that your smartphone won’t let you down at 4:30am on a dark morning in foggy conditions in the middle of January?

Cultivate your local knowledge as a back-up.

A good old-fashioned hard copy map is worth keeping on your back seat too. Remember those?

2. Be Patient.
You’re on a long call with a handful of other Supporting Artists. You’ve exhausted all the usual conversations about the best / worst agents and heard all the latest rumours.

You’ve discussed lack / glut of work.

You’ve compared your smartphones and listened to your entire playlist…3 times… and you still have several hours to go and may not even be called for a while…

Now what?

Patience, patience, patience.

Don’t wander off or fall asleep in a corner and try not to let the hanging around get to you. When the AD pops their head around the door and calls you onto set, they’ll be expecting you to be ready to go ASAP. It’s not always easy but be positive, responsive and professional at all times.

3. Take Responsibility
imagesIt’s a dark February morning together with the appropriate British weather accompanying it. 

Your alarm has gone off and it’s 4:00am. Your call is 35 miles away. 

You have a choice…tempting isn’t it?

You can either give in to the temptation and find yourself drawn to the snooze button or simply get on with it, knowing that you have a responsibility not only to your agent, the production company, your colleagues on the call, but also to yourself.

Being a “no show” or pulling off the call often causes more problems than you might realise. It reflects badly on you and your agent and you might find yourself being struck off their books.

If you have a genuine problem, make the call (leave a voice message if you have to) and give your agent as much warning as you can so they can inform production and replace you if necessary. Use the ‘phone, don’t email or text unless requested.

4. Have An Interest In Stagecraft.
You may not have had any stage experience, but it really is worth taking an interest in stagecraft.

download (1)You might think that filming with various camera angles and multiple takes might seem completely different compared to stage work, however it’s no accident that most successful actors have come from a stage background. Learn the lingo.
There will usually be some experienced SAs around who can help you if you have questions.

5. Be Honest
download (2)So, you’ve accepted a pencil or a booking from an agent and then you’re offered another call from another agent that seems more attractive to you with regards to location, pay and is perhaps an easier call in general.
What are you going to do?

Pull off the first call?

It might be the first time you do it with an agency… but it’ll more likely also be your last time.

Talk to your agent and explain the situation. Believe it or not, most are approachable and understanding and realise that you are trying to earn a living. They might be willing and able to release you, but often not. If not, honour your first booking. It’s the right thing to do.

6. Take Pride In Your Appearance
proudWe all know that getting up early in the middle of winter while it’s dark, cold and raining outside isn’t the easiest thing in the world. 

You’ve got a call out in the middle of nowhere and as far as you know it’s going to be a crowd scene somewhere near the unit base.

Turning up to a call all bleary-eyed and looking a bit like that unmade bed you left behind really isn’t a good move.
No really, it’s not a good move…. Unless you’re being cast as a tramp… hardly likely though.

Stick to the wardrobe brief, get the look right and if you’ve been asked to bring a choice of clothing, have it ready to go.

7. Know Who You Are With Regards To Your Appearance And Image. While on the subject of “appearance”, it’s worth knowing who you are with regards to your appearance and your image.

download (3)There’s no problem with whatever identity or tribe you belong to; goth, hipster, casual, office type and so on, but will it limit the amount of work you get?

Will that new blatant tattoo prevent you from getting work?

What about the piercing you’ve just got?

Will that drastic change of hairstyle and colour stop you getting the period work?

If you do change your appearance, let your agent know. Send them a photo. Even a humble selfie is better than nothing. They need to know.
Click Here For 5 Secrets To Taking The Perfect Selfie. 

8. Manage Your Time
Are you juggling “extra work” together with a part-time job, bringing up children, caring for someone or another large part of your life?
LS_TimeManagement_640x360-e1553614650263.jpgTime management is crucial and so is a good diary or other time management system.

Whether it’s an app on your smartphone or even backing it up with a good old hard copy type of diary (remember those?), get on top of your time management.

Click here for the Ray Knight Casting FREE Ray Knight Casting perpetual calendar

… you’re welcome.

9. Have A Sense Of Humour.
smileyfaceemoji1508aNot only is a sense of humour crucial when you get that, “Sorry they chose someone else”, ‘phone call, but it also helps when you’re going for the 17th take out in the sticks with the cold wind blowing down your period costume as you wish that you hadn’t forgotten to take an extra thermal layer as your agent suggested… while your stomach’s rumbling as it’s well past lunchtime.

Keep calm and carry on.

There will always be good and bad days.

10. Cultivate Good People Skills
people_skillsYou’ll never be working alone on a call as a supporting artist. 

There’s the cast of principal actors, there are the assistants, director, other supporting artists, wardrobe, make-up, sparks, security, in fact the rest of the entire crew.  
Everyone is under pressure.

Some of the most successful Supporting Artists have the best people skills.

You’ll be remembered for it.

11. Take An Interest In Pop-Culture
What are the latest movies out now? What are they saying about these movies on social media?

EF9laxYXoAAlzkPWhat’s number one in the streaming charts today?

What are the most watched programmes on TV now?

What are the current trends doing the rounds on social media?

Who’ll be in line for the chop on that reality programme on tonight?

You’ll be spending a lot of time around people with various interests and having an interest in pop culture is useful and helps the conversations flow.

Being familiar with the context and type of production you are on will also help your performance.

12. “Show Business” Comprises Of 2 Words.
You’re desperate for payment from that job you did last week because you can’t afford to fill the tank of your car.

You need a job soon as you’d like to upgrade your ‘phone to that blingy, hi-tech version of your current one.

eme20rDocMkpirUAAHk89CoF2YFNaNGqw6YLN0TigSSBRQgQyslbtCJAsX6pmvcRuEWbvERkQ8ZTJi4tLxGRf786ZwU7mIJaLWOiwIUxKmlHPfmGSvX1E0mboW4BpD1BYou need to work as soon as you can because you have heating bills to pay.

So, let’s guess as to which of the two words, “Show Business” you have a problem with, shall we?

Do you still have that receipt for the dry-cleaning bill for those outfits you only wear on “background” jobs?

Do you use half of your ‘phone bill on making calls related to your “SA” work?

Get finance savvy.

Learn the “business” part of “Show Business”.

Make friends with the tax office (yes, it is possible). Need an accountant who can save you money in the long run and sort out that Tesco bag full of receipts that you’ve been avoiding for months?

As we say, “Show Business” comprises of 2 words.

Be aware of both sides of the coin.

13. Be Thick Skinned
You’ve been to 14 castings
this year and not been picked for any of them or stood down from a few pencils in a row. So, what are you going to do?

Are you going to turn down the next casting because you’ve taken it all personally?

What if you attend the 15th casting and you’re not chosen again? What if you are selected from your 15th casting for a really good part?

It’s all part of the game.

Be thick skinned. This business can be ruthless. Don’t let it get to you.

14. Health Care
downloadLate nights, bad diet, lack of fresh air and exercise just don’t add up to helping you get up at 5am to spend 15 hours on an extended call in the middle of November.

You already know what affects your energy levels and what contributes to your good health. You don’t want to be falling apart on that second or third day in a row of continuity.

URl-Yellow15. Take An Interest In All Aspects Of Being A Supporting Artist.
What new developments are there in the pipeline?
What productions are in development over the next year?

What new eagerly anticipated movies are being released in the next 6 months?

Who were the directors and producers on the last 5 productions you worked on?

What production companies were those productions associated with?

What other productions have those companies produced?

Which of the productions that you’ve been on have won awards recently?

What’s going on in the world of “extra work” right now? Not last year, not last month, not last week but now?

What are other supporting artists saying about the business right now? We don’t mean gossip; we mean the facts.

Not sure?

Find that Facebook group, find that forum and so on. Take an
interest. It’s the least you can do. It will show and you’re more likely to come across as a “pro”.

How do you expect people in the industry to take an interest in you if you don’t take an interest in their industry?

16. Take An Interest In Television.
That’s right, “television”, and that means a lot of different things these days.
Television Vintage ec8f1e700da104436c34c6d4ee320b27 (8)“Television” now includes, streaming, VOD, SVOD, OTT, Apple TV, Amazon TV, Roku, BritBox, Netflix and so on.

The television industry you’re working in now is a fast-moving industry that doesn’t just mean “television” as it did only a few years ago.

17. Wake Up And Get Organised.
So far you have two bookings for next week in your calendar. You’re required to take evening wear for the second call, but you have that stain on it from last Saturday’s evening out with your friends. 

It’s also dry-clean only. When will you fit in your visit to the dry cleaners?

organised-desk-1513864822You’ve put on / lost weight or changed your look and haven’t bothered to let your agents know.

You’re booked for a first meeting with a new agent and you’re required to take a change of clothes and your relevant documents. 

You’ve turned up for your meeting with no change of clothes or haven’t stuck to their instructions and have no documents with you… and you’ve turned up late.

Your agent must witness and retain copies of your right to work documents. It’s a legal requirement.
You’re required to update your Disclosure Certificate every 18 months and send a copy to your agent.

You’ve changed address / bank details / home telephone number, mobile number… have you let your agents know?
Be “on the ball” and get organised.

18. Be A Team Player
See the closing credits at the end of a movie? Those credits feature a lot of people.
Teamwork_CreditLipMagDotComYou can’t avoid the fact that a movie is a team effort where a whole bunch of people come together to realise the creativity of an individual or a group of individuals.

Even when there’s only one performer in a scene, there’s a whole army of people involved in bringing that scene to the screen.

Simply put, if you’re not a team player then the world of “SA work” isn’t for you and you’re not for it.

Have patience, be helpful where you can and know when to hang back and avoid getting in the way. It’s not always easy in the hustle and bustle but be mindful.

19. Be Realistic.
Not everyone gets to be a Hollywood actor… however some do.

It’s very rare for a Supporting Artist to be “discovered” and hit the big time.

Be realistic with regards to what you want from being an SA and manage your expectations. This will also help you enjoy the job more and cope better with the ups and downs.

Is it a “filler” job for you?

Do you want it to be your full-time job?

Part time only?

No weekends?

Do you want to treat “extra work” as a profession and attend courses, seminars, stage school, continuously honing your craft?

If so, be realistic and work towards it. It’s a nice way to develop yourself and feel accomplished.

20. Get Tech Savvy With Your Smartphone
The call you’re working on is running late and it looks like you’re going to need to take the last train home. 
Do you know how to look up last train details on your smartphone?

41K2Y3bxQSL._SX466_You’re on your way to an early call and you need directions. Do you know how to use Google Maps or any other map app on your smartphone?

You were going to use public transport to get to your call but how do you know that there aren’t any delays?

Does your agent send you texts, emails and voicemail messages? Is your ‘phone set up correctly to receive and respond to them?

Be “smart” yourself and get tech savvy with your smartphone.

21. Be Punctual
42276781 - time management background. vectorThere is an unwritten rule in the world of Supporting Artist work:

Early means you’re on time.

On time means that you’re late.

Late is unacceptable.

Need we say more?

We hope that you have enjoyed this post.
Do you agree with the 21 points?  Have we left any out?  Could we have added more?
Free to leave your comments!

© Ray Knight Casting – 2019
For more information about Ray Knight Casting, please visit

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