Monday, October 14, 2019

5 Secrets To Taking Great Selfies.

Here at Ray Knight Casting we receive selfies. Let's rephrase that shall we? 

Here at Ray Knight Casting we receive lots of selfies!

All throughout the day we're being contacted by directors and ADs who require various supporting artist for their productions and need to see what those SAs look like right now.

So, we put out the call to the selected SA to send in a selfie which we can then pass onto the production company.

Although these selfies don't go public and technique doesn't matter as it's the artist the production companies are interested in, we can see howmany selfies could be improved.

So if you take selfies, here are 5 Secrets To Taking Great Selfies.

1 - Do A Background Check

Taking selfie indoors? You don't really want to self a selfie with a background wall lamp seemingly growing out of your left ear, do you?

Likewise, if you're taking a selfie out in your back garden, it's easy to ignore the background and take a selfie with a tree branch seemingly growing out of the back of your head.

2 - Light Up Your Life.

Is light coming from above or below you?

Experiment with lighting to see what suits you.

What suits your skin tone? What suits your complexion? What suits your make-up?

Are you inside or outside? Is it cloudy? Is it simply overcast? Is it sunny? Has it been raining, and the light is reflecting upwards toward you or simply around you?

3 - Be Yourself Because Everyone Else Is Taken.

You might be a fan of various celebs who regularly post selfies, but do their poses suit you?

Does that particular pout suit you too? Does their pose suit you?

Don't try to be someone else as your selfie is about you and not anyone else.

4 - Take Sides.

What's your best side? Left, right? 

Not sure? 

Ask a friend, and if your friend happens to be a good photographer, not simply a selfie taker, then all the better.

We all have a more photogenic side, so find yours.

5 - "Tech" As Well As Technique.

We've looked at techniques, now look at your tech.

What settings does your camera have?

Experiment with various settings, controls, lighting settings and so on.

Forget about those fun filters; leave those for another time and see if there are any professional filters you can use instead

Practice, practice, practice and get to know your “tech” well as your techniques and you’ll soon be an expert at taking great selfies!

© Ray Knight Casting 2019

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