Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Aspiring Actors, Just How Long Are You Going Be “Aspiring” For?


Many supporting artists and occasional actors dream of making it big in show business and there appears to be so many aspiring actors.

Aspiring, dreaming, wishing and the usual “hoping to be discovered” might take you longer to achieve your ambition than by taking action.

With time, training, dedication, passion, patience and a certain amount of  luck, the vision of becoming a successful actor can become a reality. Notice, we’re not saying, “it will become a reality,” we’re just saying it can.

Never say “never”, however if you’d like to embark on the journey of becoming a successful film, stage or TV actor, here are some tips which may help you along your path to success.

No guarantees though mind you….


Learn To Act; Learn Your Craft


Sounds obvious doesn’t it?

However, so many aspiring actors simply wait around hoping to be offered a good part without having worked through the ranks of learning their profession.

Granted, some people can get lucky, just as winning the lottery can happen, however you’d improve your chances considerably by dedicating yourself to learning your craft.

Most, if not all successful people in their field are continuously learning new skills, building upon existing skills and pushing themselves to be the best they can be in their chosen profession.

The best and most successful actors regard acting as a craft.

Take it from us, casting directors auditioning people for contracted parts will nearly always be looking for some formal training on your CV before they will even consider you worth auditioning.

Regardless of past and present credentials and success, most, if not all seasoned performers, sports people and experts in their field still work with coaches and mentors to continuously hone their craft. They recognise there’s always more to learn in order to improve upon their skills.

Tiger Woods has a coach… and that’s for a reason.

Practising, trying, failing, trying again, learning from failures and striving to be the best is all part of being a successful actor.

Remember, every day’s a school day.


Take Every Opportunity To Work

As the saying goes, “Practice makes perfect” and so does working away at acting-action-actor-actress-275200your profession. 

Take every opportunity to work; whether it’s for a local drama group, a voluntary gig or even in a local acting group which you have set up yourself.

Work with as many styles, different people, groups as possible.

Work with people who are more experienced than you are.

Work with beginners.

Work with people like yourself.

Try it all.

From comedy to Shakespeare, from mime to improv… the more you work the more you’ll learn and the more well-rounded and versatile you’ll become in order to take on any roles that come your way.


Make A Commitment

ground-group-growth-hands-461049.jpgThe best actors were willing to commit themselves to pursuing their passion for acting.

Be realistic though.

What sacrifices do you have to make to work that hard and reap the rewards of your aspirations?

What other commitments do you have in your life? Family? Going out with friends? Hobbies? Health?

Getting a job where you’re going to be spending months on set might sound appealing, but can you accept the long days, the long hours and the fact you’re going to be away from your “normal” life?

In other words, can you commit yourself?  i

If so, to what… and how?


Be Nice

Unless you’re a solitary hermit in a cave, most activities involve other people as do most professions.nice

Getting ahead in any profession is about developing networks of people and making and maintaining genuine friendships with like-minded people.

You’ll meet many people in the acting profession including casting directors, film makers, agents, behind the scenes crews and more.

Being nice and liking other people is a great way to be noticed, remembered and regularly employed.


Focus, Focus, Focus

aperture-blur-downtown-focus-339379Seek out several acting opportunities and focus on your path of learning, experience, overcoming difficulties, improving in your weak areas and amalgamating all of this into the actor you want to be.

You might be surprised at how apparently small opportunities can help you grow and what paths these “small opportunities” can lead you too.

Surprisingly it can sometimes take a small key to open big doors, so focus on your target…and stay focused.


Love What You Do

All this effort…heart-shaped-red-neon-signage-887349 (1)

… learning…

… dedication…

…  failures…

… triumphs…

… set-backs…

… weeks of being on set, long hours in inclement weather, working all hours around the clock, being away from home, long tiring journeys, staying in cheap motels and much, much more…

… will be a lot easier to bear if you love your profession.

You’ll find this journey more enjoyable if you first love acting and then succeed, as opposed to the other way around.


Keep Going

selective-focus-photo-of-woman-wearing-yellow-shirt-2083500Surprise, surprise, but talent alone may not get you to your final destination.

No, another element which can help you is persistence.

Do you know that your next attempt might just be the key to open that door to greater opportunities and success?

No, you don’t.

So, keep going….onwards, ever onwards…..

Do you think that you’re the only one who has failed at various attempts?

You’d be surprised just how many successful people met many failures before being a success.


Is Being Typecast In Your Comfort Zone?

For years, Clint Eastwood epitomised the “tough guy”.person-sunglasses-dark-hat-4209

For a long time, Tom Hanks was the “nice guy”.

These actors made their names by focusing on and enjoying specific roles.

Many actors are happy do this. After all, it pays the bills and puts food on the table.

Later however, these actors were able to stretch beyond their comfort zone and gain very different roles.

Finding your “type” is obviously very important. Sometimes, it’s best to “play to your strengths”.

If you’re happy to play a certain role for the rest of your career, then fine, as many actors do.

However, if you’re not, then you might need to explore that world that’s outside your usual comfort zone.

Working on improvisation might be one way to explore different roles and as we said above, continuously learn to act and use every opportunity to work.


Be Patient and Realistic

girl-resting-with-legs-on-a-white-chair-6344Sitting around all day watching daytime TV and just hoping with all your might that the ‘phone’s going to ring with a great offer to work isn’t really best way to be a successful actor. That might require patience of unrealistic levels.

“Being discovered” success stories are rare, and you could improve your chances by being realistic with yourself as to what you need to do… while being patient and working hard.

As the saying goes, “the harder you work the luckier you’ll get”, however be realistic.

Acting is a job.

A job involves work.

Work take effort.

Effort takes patience.

Patience requires you to be realistic.

So, back to the original question…

Aspiring actors, just how long are you going to be “aspiring” for?


Well that’s it for this post and as usual feel free to leave your comments.

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